All original stories, characters, and ideas are property and copyright to Norcumi. They may not be used without express permission and acknowledgement. In essence: DON'T STEAL!

All art within the Gallery section belongs to the origional artits. Please respect their copyright as well.

Here's the blanket disclaimer before I get to the necessary specifics. Absolutely no profit is being made. No infringement is EVER intended. I am only doing this for my own warped amusement. Please don't sue: all I have is a heap of college bills and some easily amused friends.

NOW with the specifics.

All the characters appearing in Gargoyles and Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles are copyright Buena Vista Television/The Walt Disney Company. No infringement of these copyrights is intended, and is not authorized by the copyright holder.

Shadowrun, and any associated terms and concepts are trademarks of Wizkids. Nothing on this website is intended to challenge any of these trademarks. No profit is being made of such trademarks.

The Sentinel and all related characters, locations, and whacky theories of human evolution belong to Pet Fly, UPN, and Paramount and no copyright infringement is intended, not to mention no profit is being made.

(Advanced) Dungeons&Dragons and any associated terms and concepts are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. Nothing on this website is intended to challenge any of these trademarks. No profit is being made of such trademarks.

Abberant, Wraith, Mage, and any associated terms and concepts are trademarks of White Wolf. Nothing on this website is intended to challenge any of these trademarks. No profit is being made of such trademarks.

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